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What to know about the Massachusetts marijuana edibles market
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“There’ll be some really inventive products,” said Jaime Lewis, who founded an edibles company canada goose outlet in Colorado and is preparing to open another, Mayflower Medicinals, in Massachusetts.
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edibles are canada goose outlet store displayed at the Apothecary Shoppe marijuana dispensary in Las Vegas. Steve Marcus / Las Vegas Sun via AP
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“The taste of cannabis when it’s cooked is pretty strong,” Krane said. “Those products tend to mask it.”
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“Edible products can be worrisome in two major ways,”said Andrew Livingston, the top policy researcher at Vicente Sederberg, a Denver based law firm that specializes in the marijuana industry.
The first common concern is access by children, especially very young ones. Like alcohol, possessing and purchasing canada goose outlet online marijuana is illegal for those under 21, and children are more susceptible to severe symptoms from consuming the drug. Livingston says it’s a “legitimate point,” considering how the most popular edibles come in the form of small sweets and gummies.
“You want to ensure that the packages are not attractive to children, and you want to ensure that they are attractive to adults,” he said.
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With the exception of a few sensational stories, the general canada goose outlet nyc worst case scenario is that people have a panic attack, call 911, and end up with an $8,000 ambulance bill, when all they really needed was comfort from a friend, Livingston said.
Still, “it can be quite unpleasant,” said Krane, who estimates that most edibles take 60 to 90 minutes to take effect. The CCC’s rules require edible packaging to warn that “impairment effects may be delayed by two hours or more.”
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