For example, one aspect to consider is that most chatbots

AI Represents the Future of Social Media for Business Performance

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cheap Canada Goose Although there are significant and impressive benefits when it comes to using AI powered technology for eBay’s ShopBot, there are also some serious pitfalls when it comes to considering what the future will look like when social media and AI technology is fused and how this will affect the social media for business performance field. For example, one aspect to consider is that most chatbots today merely relay certain keywords that customers send them and then transfer this information into a type of search engine which provides the customer with information on the product. The problem with this strategy, as eBay chief product manager RJ Pittman explains is that it “does not build trust or confidence between a bot and user.” In other words, the method explained above renders the bot’s capability of having an authentic or personal relationship with the consumer essentially impossible. In turn, this has unfortunately lead to criticism and complaints that chat bots, (like eBay’s) do not foster good consumer experiences. cheap Canada Goose

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canada goose coats on sale eBay’s ShopBot provides us with canada goose factory outlet a glimpse into the future concerning the role of artificial intelligence in social media for canada goose outlet shop business performance. Through utilizing eBay’s ShopBot as a case study it appears that chat bots may have a very official canada goose outlet prominent role on social networks, specifically in the sectors of messaging platforms where artificial intelligence will be able to increase levels of customer engagement with companies and secure brand loyalty. Yet, there is still dissatisfaction in the current social media chat bot climate, which will require further intense collaboration among social media strategists, marketers, and AI technologists. However, this time is not too far off in the future and projects are canada goose outlet sale already in the works to create a chat bot that will far exceed any consumer’s expectations canada goose coats on sale.